On September 26, The Friends of Magen David Adom NSW were invited to Parliament House to address a meeting of the Christian Worldview Forum hosted by parliamentarian, the Hon David Clarke MLC. Participants came from far and wide around the state to hear about Magen David Adom and its lifesaving work.
The Hon David Clarke MLC welcomed everyone to Parliament saying, “We are amongst friends today”. Expressing his abiding support of Israel he said that Australia had recently experienced acts of terrorism and violence which Israel has had to face daily for years and urging everyone there to support Israel and the Jewish people – the only democracy in the Middle East.
Roland Nagel, President of the Friends of MDA was then invited to address the gathering describing how “Magen David Adom, as an organisation, enables us to become better people by showing love to and care for our neighbours, the opportunity to perform acts of kindness and charitable deeds, giving blessings to Israel, and carrying out the holy mission of saving lives.” Roland gave a brief history of MDA describing its role both within Israel and internationally through its humanitarian relief work.
Louise Southwell, the Coordinator of the Christian Friends in Australia, thanked for the opportunity to reach out to the Christian Community channelling their efforts to work together to save lives through MDA. Louise was excited to announce that the Christian Friends of NSW will, for the first time, be dedicating a Medicycle for the people of Israel which will bear the inscription recognising their Australian contribution.
Jacqui Bakker, representing both Christian Friends of Magen David Adom and Christians for Israel, also spoke with excitement about the opportunity to show support and solidarity with the State of Israel. She will be working with Louise spreading awareness of MDA’s holy work and expanding the membership of the Christian Friends for MDA.
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