Dana Khalili of Jerusalem, suddenly woke up one night with contractions. She roused her husband, Asher, and they began the drive to the hospital.
“On the way to the hospital my water broke,” said Dana. So they stopped on the side of the road and called 101, MDA’s emergency hotline. Yossi Himmelfarb, the EMT who answered their call, instructed them on how to prepare for the birth, while simultaneously dispatching an ambulance.
“In just moments, Abigail, an EMT, arrived. She helped me give birth while I was lying in the back seat of the car. In less than half an hour after the contractions started, I had already given birth.”
Senior EMT Abigail Lederer lives on the same street as the Khalilis and received the alert for first responders on the MDA app. The app notifies the seven closest first responders who often are able to get to the scene while an ambulance is en route.
“As I approached, I saw Asher standing next to the car door, preparing for the birth according to the instructions he received [from Yossi] over the phone,” said Abigail.
“We know the safest place to give birth is the delivery room, but within seconds I realized the birth was already underway. I replaced Asher and after two contractions the baby was born.”
Mother and baby were then evacuated to the hospital in the ambulance that had arrived. Five days later, Abigail met with the parents and baby boy at their home.
“It was so moving to see the beautiful baby boy I helped deliver just a few days ago. I wish them nothing but health, lots of good luck, and rest!” said Abigail.
“Asher and I are so grateful to Abigail and Yossi,” said Dana.