Plan today to make a gift in your Will to Magen David Adom, to ensure future generations of Israelis and visitors to Israel can continue to receive the lifesaving treatment they need. Your loyalty and commitment to MDA will ensure its continuity for many years to come.
You can make a difference – your Bequest to Magen David Adom WILL save lives. You will be remembered. Just as the late Dr Cyril Aarons z”l did. As a doctor, he was very interested in MDA’s work and welfare. Most generous during his lifetime Cyril made sure that his kindness would extend well into the future. Thanks to his generosity, his memory lives on through a donated ambulance and medicycle and a most generous bequest which allows MDA to continue its lifesaving work.
For a copy of the Wills brochure, L’Chaim a Will to Life or for confidential enquiries, please phone Tamara Lowbeer on 9358 2521 or 0413 084 994.